Beluga Whale Finding Dory

Pixar’s film Finding Dory is a story built on the themes of friendship, family, and self-discovery. In this film, there are many sea creatures, and the stories of all these creatures are shown. It also features beluga whales, who play an important role in the film. It is not just that they are shown for fun moments; rather, they also help in conveying an important message in the film.

Beluga Whale Finding Dory
Beluga Whale

Introduction to Beluga Whales and Their Role in Finding Dory:

Beluga whales have an important role in Finding Dory. These whales are also very famous for their echolocation abilities because, with the help of this power, they can navigate even in darkness. These whales help Dory when she is trying to find her family.

If we talk about Dory, she is a main character in Pixar’s famous movies Finding Nemo and Finding Dory. Dory is a blue tang fish known for her friendly and funny behavior. Dory suffers from short-term memory loss, which causes her to forget small details very quickly.

Now this film, Dory and her friends Nemo and Marlin reach the ocean and interact with beluga whales. The beluga whales prove to be helpful in making their journey easier. In short, the role of the beluga whales was also to show Dory the direction.

Nemo and Marlin

Echolocation: The Unique Ability of Beluga Whales:

Echolocation is an ability that some aquatic creatures possess. Through this technique, whales produce sound waves that bounce off objects and provide them with information about their surroundings. This ability greatly helps them navigate in darkness or unclear water. This ability of beluga whales is very useful in the film. When Dory, along with her friends, is trying to find her family, the beluga whales use their echolocation power to guide them. Through their unique communication skills and emotional support, the film’s message is being delivered.

The personality of Beluga Whales and Their Contribution to the Film:

In the film, when Dory embarks on a journey to recover her memories, it is not only practical to have beluga whales play along but also emotionally supportive. Beluga whales, with their friendly and funny personalities, bring a lot of life to the film. Their presence teaches us how different creatures help each other through their unique personalities.

One special thing about beluga whales is that they embrace their identity. When Dory remembers her memories and finds her family, she also overcomes her doubts with the help of beluga whales. The beluga whale understands Dory’s emotions and promotes a message that one should embrace their differences and use their strengths.

Symbolism of Communication and Connection in Beluga Whale Finding Dory:

The most important message of this film is that we should understand ourselves and not break our connections with our friends during difficult times; instead, we should help them during tough moments. The beluga whale is a perfect example of this. When Dory is trying to search for her past, the beluga whales use their abilities to help her. The beluga whale shows them paths that lead Dory to her family, and it finds these difficult paths using its echolocation, which Dory and her friends cannot even imagine.

However, Dory and her friends trust the beluga, and trust is an essential part of this story. Just as the beluga whales believed in Dory, Dory also trusted the belugas. If they had not trusted each other, the beluga whales would never have realized that they had so many abilities. Similarly, if Dory had not trusted the beluga, she would never have been able to find her memories. This is a strong element of communication and connection that explores deeper sections of the story.

Emotional Support and Friendship in the Story:

Dory’s journey is not only physical but also emotional and psychological. Because Dory suffers from short-term memory loss, she forgets small things after a while. In the film, Dory is making a great effort to understand her past and struggling to build a connection with her family.


The beluga whale helps her during this difficult time with its abilities and positive approach so that Dory can recall her memories and reach her family. The whale not only shows her the way but also supports Dory emotionally during challenging moments, which deepens their friendship.

This film teaches us that if we are facing a problem, we should share it with others so that connections can be built and strengthened.

The Importance of Teamwork and Collaboration:

In Dory’s journey, the beluga whale is not only helping by using its abilities but also working as part of a team with Dory, Nemo, Marlin, and the beluga whale. Each member has their own unique contribution. Thanks to their teamwork, they are able to overcome difficulties, recognize their unique abilities, and successfully achieve their goals.

This teaches humans that we should live together in unity and not run away during difficult times. We should rather come together like a team, help each other out, and solve the problem as a unit.

Impact and Message of the Beluga Whale’s Role in Finding Dory:

Through the film, the beluga whale delivers a positive message. Their role in the film is not only to help Dory physically and emotionally but also to show that we should recognize our abilities and understand which unique ability we possess that can be helpful to others. By using this ability, we can also help others and connect with them.

Building a connection with others is very important because, during tough times, we can help each other. The presence of the beluga also teaches us that by understanding our limitations and meeting our strengths, we can achieve our goals. We just need to recognize our abilities and use them at the right time so that we can benefit ourselves and others as well.


The beluga whale plays a very crucial role in Finding Dory, helping Dory find her family. The whale uses its echolocation abilities to assist Dory in navigating unclear and challenging paths. From the beluga whale character, we learn how important it is to trust, support, and help someone in difficult times, as our help might remove significant obstacles for others.

Beluga whales are also known for their echolocation ability, and in the film, this feature is prominently highlighted. In the movie, the beluga whale uses its echolocation ability to navigate through darkness and murky water, which proves to be extremely helpful in navigating through such conditions. Additionally, the beluga whale is shown providing emotional support and using its communication skills. This is why Dory was able to reach her family and recover her memories.

In this story, teamwork and collaboration is a key to success for Dory. Everyone used their different abilities to help Dory overcome her challenges and go to her home. The beluga whale helped Dory by using its echolocation abilities. Nemo and Marlin provided emotional support to Dory. This film teaches us that if we work as a team and trust each other, we can achieve any goal.

The beluga whale not only helped Dory physically but also provided emotional support because Dory had short-term memory loss, which caused her to forget things and give up. The beluga whale, through its friendly behavior, gave Dory hope and confidence. This hope and confidence made Dory fearless, which is why she was able to recover her memories and find her family.

The role of the beluga whale teaches many lessons. For example, everyone has a unique ability; it just needs to be discovered, which makes them stand out from others. It also teaches us to help others during tough times and support them in their hard times. At the same time, it shows that we should work together as a team and trust each other. This role also teaches us that we should trust ourselves, discover our talents, and overcome our limitations.

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